Experiential & Outdoor Education

Project Discover

Students require challenge and change outside of their traditional school environment. They must depart from the comfort of their daily routines, initiate a process of self-discovery, and engage in co-operative learning with their peers. Some bonds can only be forged and learning experienced beyond the shelter of the classroom.

We believe that outdoor education is a necessary for a holistic education. At Southpointe Academy, all students in Grades 4 through 12 are required to participate in Project Discover, our experiential education program. Through a range of age-graded activities – camping, hiking, canoeing, ecological studies, marine studies, and caving – students not only attain a broader understanding of the world around them, but gain an appreciation for British Columbia’s spectacular natural surroundings.

Project Discover is based on the following guiding principles:

  • Challenge: Our program pushes students to challenge their perceived limits – be they physical, mental or emotional.

  • Connection: Each trip is fashioned to mirror classroom learning objectives, meeting provincially determined learning outcomes, while presenting an opportunity to connect with the natural environment.

  • Growth: Students have a chance to discover and refine their own strengths and goals. Our program is designed to impart technical outdoor skills that are developed and built upon through a gradual learning progression. It emphasizes and grows life skills: meal planning and cooking, healthy living habits, decision-making, problem solving, personal responsibility, and peer-collaboration.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an internationally recognized award system acknowledging youths’ ability to be active, involved and successful citizens. Southpointe Academy recognizes the value of this award and supports student involvement in the program.

The award is a non-competitive program, open to all students aged 14 years or above (typically Grade 9 or higher). Divided into three achievement levels – Gold, Silver, and Bronze – students set and achieve personal goals for community service, skills, fitness, and adventure. This widely popular program has flourished in recent years, with 15 to 25 participants attending one of the three possible adventurous trips. In addition to building invaluable leadership skills, participants must complete activities in four different categories: Adventurous Journey, Service, Skill, and Physical Recreation, at each achievement level.

Through these programs, Southpointe Academy believes that students will be inspired to learn, lead and succeed.

southpointe academy experiential education